Want to level up your skin routine? Learn to build layers, when wxorking with complexion for flawless skin & achieve lonnnng natural lashes with NO need for falsies.
Start with more than just a makeup primer; See what your skin neeeeds. Do you have spots that tend to get oily throughout the day? Dry areas of your face that makeup tends to flake off ? if your skin is on the drier side and you have fine lines, consider doubling up on moisturizer & apply an eye cream. You can target the oily areas with a thin layer of translucent powder b4 applying foundation. also….. sunscreen. sunscreen. sunscreen.
Less is more ~ To build flawless and natural looking skin start with thin layers of product. Before you set anything with powder, try sticking with same ish textures. Creams are amazing to start with. Blending the product on the back of your hand B4 applying to your face is a game changer, it warms up the product and you’ll get a way faster blend. If using a sponge (🧽 💧 damp plz) try spraying with a mist or setting spray throughout applications.
Our model Bella, had naturally long lashes but here are some tips on how to get them looking lengthy and make it the main focus. Start ; by curling your lashes, take theee time. Choose a TRUE black mascara. Concentrate product on roots with mascara wand facing you. Meaning, use the very tip of applicator and finally drag it up towards the end; repeat.repeat.repeat. (you want thick roots and thin tips)
If you got the time… TRY taking some dull tweezers and slightly connect or take mascara excess of your lash tips!!! it works specially good on the bottom lash line.